haven't posted for about a week so apologies for that! been so busy plus been doing lots of crochet... will upload pics soon. in the meantime, here's my sketch for this weeks IF - immovable :)
more pattern ideas, one inca tribal sort of look, the other really 80's! going to do a variety of different styles and after discussion will settle on one route (hopefully the tribal thats my favourite so far!)
my attempt at a sovio wine label design competition. the main focus is on the fact it's a lighter and less alcoholic wine hence the flying wines! quite simple, went for the 50's coca-cola look (i've been watching too much mad men recently) didn't spend as much time on it as i would have liked due to an incredibly hectic few weeks, but you never know unless you try aye!
i may possibly be doing a collaboration with a friend and amazing fashion designer garry james butterfield using my patterns, so here's one of the ideas. so happy to be producing these again!
my entry for 'caged'. going to try and do more and make it one big zoo of some sort. they look quite cute... but if they were really that cute why are they caged? hmm...
this is another work in progress for illustration friday's theme 'caged'. think i might try and fuse a few different pages together to make loads of caged creatures. could take a while though... but it's getting there. not much more crochet going on at the moment due to hectic august, plus its my birthday on sunday so it'll probably continue to suffer til next week. so much to do so little time...
this weeks theme got me all excited as i have an odd thing for anatomy and the like. decided on going for an artificial heart but wanted to make it like a factory, recycling it's intake and producing lots of love (daww). so here is the pencil sketch, followed by a photocopy of said sketch with lines gone over with pen. will add colour tonight (if i don't get sidetracked by crochet) however i really like them black and white so we'll see what i can do to it with the magical mac...